Random Subject: Swimming

prily calista
1 min readAug 13, 2021

Swimming was my favorite activity back when I was a kid. Every month, I could ask my parents to take me to the swimming pool 2–5 times. I think the reason why I liked swimming was because Free Willy movies that I like sooo much, it is still my comfort movie series until now. I don’t remember how I liked orca so bad, even though I know I’m afraid of fish. All I know, I liked orca so bad that it got me to the point where I prayed to dream about meeting an orca and every time I did have a dream about orca, I was so happy and felt the connection. Every time I went to the beach, I always had a dramatic moment of staring blank into the sea, hoping that I could see their fins appearing on the surface. So yeah, it was the connection of swimming, Free Willy, and my obsession with orca.

Back to the swimming thing, I think I was pretty okay doing it. I had always been encouraged by my father to just jump into the water, no matter how deep the water is. I learned the techniques with a private coach, along with a few of my friends. But I didn’t really want my hobby to swim become a competition, because I don’t want to feel pressured and competing in doing something that I like. So swimming just became a regular hobby.

